Thursday, 3 December 2015


Dear Youths Delegates (In Nigeria and around the world)

Let me thank you for the great enthusiasm you have shown in the run up to this 1st YANDI Youth Conference (YYC 2015)
Over 3000 youths have shown interest from around the world to participate in the YYC2015. This is the reason I had to change the strategy from having only 400 youth delegates come to Osogbo for 3days to the new strategy of 2 days online conference ( Dec 3 & 4) and a Grand Finale at Trinity House, Osogbo, Osun State on December 5, 2015.
The new strategy will enable all youth around the world contribute to the discussions. This makes the YANDI Youth Conference what I believe is the first online youth conference for National Development in Africa.
Delegates (Online and Physical) at the YYC 2015 will primarily discuss and proffer solutions to issues of National development especially in line with the VISION 2025 Nigerian Dream. 
Delegates from other countries particularly in Africa will find the proposed solutions reproducible in their countries also. Western youth delegates will bring useful insights to solutions being sought for Nigeria and Africa in general.
The Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) are put into consideration when discussing and proffering solutions to topics during the conference.
Our goal is to come up with a communiqué listing our proposed solution to the Nigerian and African developmental challenges. These solutions will be presented to all State Governments and the Federal Government in Nigeria for implementation. Delegates from other African countries can also take the solutions back home for implementation

Certificate of participation will be given to online participants who come up with viable solutions to the problems for which solutions are being sort. 

All discussion topics will be available on all the social media platforms we have opened up.

Email: - The subject of your email should be the topic of discuss.
Twitter: @yycnigeria – Hash tag to be used after writing your solution is #yyc2015

I hope to meet many of you in Osogbo during the grand Finale on Saturday, December 5, 2015.

 I wish you all a wonderful conference.

Youth Faithfully,

Bolaji Jegede
Convener, Youth Action for Nigerian Development Initiative (YANDI)
Initiator, VISION2025-The Nigerian Dream
Mobile: +2348181054706, +2348032146803

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

YYC 2015 Online Activity Schedule

Delegates (Online and Physical) at the YYC 2015 are here to primarily discuss and proffer solutions to issues of National development especially in line with the VISION 2025 Nigerian Dream. Delegates from other countries particularly in Africa will find the proposed solutions reproducible in their countries also

Our goal is to come up with a communiqué listing our proposed solution to the Nigerian and African developmental challenges. These solutions will be presented to all state governments and the federal government in Nigeria for implementation.

Let your voice be heard by participating in the online conference through our online channels below.

Online Channels

Email: The subject of your email should be the topic of discuss.

Twitter: @yycnigeria – Hash tag to be used after writing your solution is #yyc2015

Below are the topics to be discussed 

Thursday 3rd December
Activity - Online Conference (Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Blog)
10am - 12pm
Youth Unemployment :Strategies to reduce youth unemployment to near 0% in Nigeria by 2025
1pm - 3pm
Entrepreneurship/Business : Strategies to encourage the youth to embrace entrepreneurship for MSME revolution in Nigeria.
4pm - 6pm
Economy/Business:  Strategies for Commercial Banks to drive the MSME revolution in Nigeria
7pm - 9pm
Education : How to reposition the Nigerian educational system so that our graduates can be industry ready and also compete favorably with their western counterparts.

Friday 4th December
Activity - Online Conference (Facebook, Twitter, Gmail, Blog)
10am - 12pm
Economy: Strategies to diversify the Nigerian economy and maintain it as No1 in Africa. A Nigeria beyond Oil & Gas
1pm - 3pm
Agriculture:  Strategies to make Nigeria the food basket of Africa by 2025
4pm - 6pm
Economy/Business: Strategies for Commercial Banks to drive the MSME revolution in Nigeria
7pm - 9pm
Economy: How to maximize the experience and resources of Nigerians in Diaspora for National Development.

Saturday 5th December
Activity - Grand Finale - Trinity House, Opp. White Plain Hotel, Ogo-Oluwa, Osogbo
8am - 9.45am
Delegate & Guest Arrival and Registration
10am - 10.30am
Opening Ceremony
10.30am - 11.45am
Founder's Welcome Speech : VISION 2025 -The Nigerian  Dream ("I have a Vision")
10.45am - 11.00am
Keynote Speech: Special Guest of Honor
11.05am - 12.05pm
Plenary Session 1 - Youth Unemployment : Strategies for massive job creation
12.10am - 12.30pm
Speaker Session 1: Breaking Unemployment Jinx - Success stories (YALI Fellows)
12.30am - 1.30pm
Plenary Session 2 - Revamping Education in Nigeria to produce globally competitive graduates
1.30am - 2.30pm
Delegate Breakout Session 1 - Group discussions
2.30am - 3.00pm
3.05am - 3.30pm
Speaker Session 2 - Show casing the YANDI International Center - Bolaji Jegede
3.30pm - 4.30pm
Plenary Session 3 - Entrepreneurship and SMEs for National Development
4.30am - 5.30pm
Plenary Session 4 - The need for Youths and Women in Leadership in Nigeria
5.30am - 6.30pm
Delegate Breakout Session 2 - Group discussions
6.30am - 7.00pm
Delegate Presentations - Recommendations from Group Discussions
7.00am - 7.20pm
Collection of Certificate of participation by Delegates
Conference Closes

Monday, 21 September 2015

Registration Now Open for the YANDI Youth Conference 2015

    The YANDI Youth Conference (YYC) is an annual Conference and Exhibition event which brings together vibrant Nigerian youths to discuss the way forward for the country in line with the VISION 2025 Nigerian dream. Youths from other African countries and the West will also participate in the conference. Issues of National development will be discussed by the youth delegates who will work together in groups during a 3 days conference will debate, formulate and share innovative solutions to National problems. The communiqué from the conference will be presented to the government and followed up for implementation. The participating youths will also have learnt new things that will help their careers, businesses and enhance their leadership potentials.
    Established young leaders in various fields of endeavor around the world will also be on ground to speak on National and global issues in panel and speaker sessions.
    Young Nigerians who are into small and medium scale enterprises will participate in the Exhibitions which will help showcase their works to an international audience and also provide networking opportunities. Corporate organizations and government agencies will also exhibit during the event.
    The 1st YANDI Youth Conference (YYC 2015) is slated to hold in Osogbo, Osun State, Nigeria from December 3rd to 5th, 2015 at the Trinity House, Opposite White Plain Suite Hotel, Ogo Oluwa Osogbo. YYC 2015 will bring together 400 youth delegates to discuss and proffer solutions to burning national and African issues.

Tuesday, 1 September 2015

Pabio Stone Foundation (PSF)

Pabio Stone Foundation (PSF) was founded in 2014 by Mr. Bolaji Jegede, the Chief Executive Officer of Pabio Stone Group (PSG). PSF is responsible for the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) of the Pabio Stone Group. At PSG, community service is our core business. 25% of company profit is committed to community development projects. PSF embarks on at least one major development project per quarter. 
PSF has been instrumental to alleviating the sufferings of people in Africa particularly in Nigeria. Our areas of interests include: Agriculture, Primary Health Care Delivery, Education, Vocational Skill Acquisition and Youth Empowerment.
PSF was actively engaged in the fight against Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) in West Africa. We actively educated people on EVD prevention and control. Our instructional videos and materials have been useful globally in the fight against EVD. Our online presence show we reached well over 30 million people across the globe. Our EVD educational materials which are now available in seven (7) different languages (English, French, Chinese, Yoruba, Igbo, Pidgin and Hausa) are currently being distributed around the world for free. We have made it available for Free also to the African Union (ASEOWA) upon their request in 2014. We have partnered with the National Youth Service Corp (NYSC) SAED Scheme in Nigeria to help provide qualitative skill acquisition trainings for Nigerian graduates.

As part of our drive to provide essential Primary Health Care (PHC) to Nigerians, we have collaborated with the Ministry of Health in Osun State, Nigeria to provide PHC to rural people in areas not yet reached by government efforts. Our drive is to compliment government efforts in the area of PHC delivery. We have been working on Malaria prevention & Control, Breast Cancer awareness, STD awareness, Mal-nutrition, De-worming, Medical Equipment supply, peer education e.t.c.

Our flagship initiative, Youth Action for Nigerian Development Initiative (YANDI) which is geared toward national development has been transforming lives of young Nigerians since its inception in 2014. YANDI brings together young Nigerians and provide them with a platform to achieve their dreams thereby contributing to national development. YANDI has been designed as the platform for the realization of the VISION 2025 Nigerian dream.

Our second initiative, Osun State Economic Diversification and Industrial Plan (OSEDIP) was initiated in December 2014 by Mr. Bolaji Jegede in response to the economic challenges facing his home state which saw the government being unable to pay workers salaries for more than 7 months (November 2014 to June 2015). OSEDIP is an audacious plan that seeks to help the state of Osun transition from being a predominantly civil service state to becoming the Economic capital of Africa by the year 2025. The OSEDIP working document is expected to be ready for implementation by 2016.

Our third initiative, The Bolaji Jegede Prize (BJP) was initiated in 2015 by Mr. Bolaji Jegede, CEO of Pabio Stone Group (an Entrepreneur and Philanthropist).This award is given yearly to well deserving young Nigerians (not more than 45 years of age) who have contributed meaningfully to the development of Nigeria thereby showing commitment to achieving the VISION 2025 Nigerian dream. The award consists of a diploma (issued by the Pabio Stone Institute), a medal of honor and a Cash prize.

Our fourth Initiative, Power Up Nigeria Initiative (PUNI) seeks to help bridge the gap in Nigeria’s power sector by ensuring constant power for MSME operators and rural electrification. We provide Training, Mentoring, Networking and Internships for Nigerian youths in the various sectors of the power industry; generation, transmission, distribution and sale of electric power. We also focus on Small Scale Power projects, off grid power generation and implementation for rural electrification/Mini grid support with special attention to renewable energy.

We appreciate the efforts of our development partners locally and internationally who have consistently provided material and financial support for the foundation. We continue to seek for more partners to provide assistance to us to reach more communities.